Election 2020: Day 0, 11pm

Pundits are saying that neither Presidential campaign expects there to be a result tonight. I’m likely to grab some rest soon and see what additional news the morning brings.

Biden is currently leading in Nebraska-2 (Omaha) 51-47, even though the Republican incumbent Congressman is leading 52-45 in a rematch against his 2018 opponent. Biden is even leading in Nebraska-1 (Lincoln) 50-48.

My best guess is that in the fullness of time Biden wins 290-248, which represents the Clinton states plus Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Nebraska-2. But it will be days before we have clarity.

NBC News just called Ohio for Trump as I was writing this.

I haven’t seen any news out of the Iowa or Montana Senate races yet, but it may transpire that the Democrats’ possible path to 50 Senate seats runs through the January runoff between Warnock and Loeffler. But who knows.