Election 2020: Day 1, 12pm

A quick snapshot of where things currently stand, roughly 18 hours after polls started closing in the Eastern states:

  • Wisconsin. An election official just announced that she’s aware of only 1 municipality whose votes have not yet been tabulated, and it has only several hundred votes. Biden is currently ahead by about 20K votes, or 0.7%.
  • Michigan. Biden is currently ahead by about 45K votes, or 0.9%, and it seems to be trending in a favorable direction for Biden.
  • Arizona. Biden is currently ahead by about 93K votes, or 3.4%. Many but not all news outlets have called the state for Biden at this point. Infamously, Fox News had called it early last night, then later retracted it, supposedly under considerable pressure from the Trump campaign to so do.
  • Nevada. Biden is currently ahead by only 8K votes, or 0.6%, and the state has announced there will be no further updates until tomorrow morning.
  • Nebraska-2. Biden remains comfortably ahead, currently by 6.5%.
  • Georgia and North Carolina. Neither state has been called yet, but Trump is up by 1.8% and 1.4%, respectively.
  • Pennsylvania. Trump is currently ahead by about 8% but there is plenty more vote to be counted that is expected to be favorable to Biden.